Sunday, January 13, 2008

The New Semester!

My week in review!
I have made it through my first week of the semester without any problems what so ever! At the end of this week I can't even express the gratitude I have for guidance in my life! As I started my classes this week I was excited for the subjects, but was not excited for my classes. I had no idea how I was supposed to pay for my books. How on earth was I supposed to get good grades and enjoy my classes if I couldn't even afford a dumb book!
I came home from work Wednesday night with a new voice message from mom. Mom explained that I had recieved a check in the mail for a significant amount and should probably call the financial aid office before I deposited it. The amount was much larger than what seemed to be right. I discarded any hopes of it being real and went to bed.
Thursday morning I woke up bright and early to head to my class.(8:30 in the morning-I am not a good morning person remember) This class is the class that is the intro to my major, which means there are maybe 30 people in the class and it is all girls. I love it!! I won't ever miss class, even with it being at 8:30. My first assignment is a creative biography. I pretty much need to make a scrapbook page about myself. As the class went on I realized that I picked the right major! I left class extremely happy and knowing a bunch of new people. I was so excited for these classes.
As I left class in high spirits I remembered that I needed to call the financial aid office! I called and asked them if the check they sent me was correct. By the end of the conversation I found out that the check was correct and I will be recieving another check in the mail from last semester that I never recieved. I couldn't help but grin as I walked across campus. With this new money that I had aquired: I paid for all my books, and will have the rest of this years rent paid for. I don't have to work my life away anymore! The money I earn now will be for food, and savings for next year. I can come home and visit without sacrificing my food money. I can actually get some clothes. AND I will have time to work on my school work and get good grades (which in turn will give me opportunities for recieving money later on- which will give me more time to get better grade. A wonderful cycle. Once you get ahead of the game you can stay on top)
Money doens't make me happy but not being stressed to death is a wonderful thing! It's like a breath of fresh air! Oh joy! So I am very optamistic about this semester! Buying my books didn't bother me this time around because I could afford them. They are still rediculously priced but I enjoyed being able to buy them. I am confident I will be getting very good I love the classes I am taking!
Well that is my exciting news! I hope to see you all soon.


Becky said...

WHat GREAT news. That is so awesome!! I am so happy for you. Congratulations. :)