Monday, December 7, 2009

Highlight of Fall Semester

The semester is over in 3 days!! Three more finals and I will be half way done with my third year of college. This semester has seriously flown by! It really has been so much fun and overall a wonderful fall...since my last posts here are a few highlights!~

Game nights at my apartment are always fun! This game is a winner~!

Aggie basketball games are probably the funnest thing we have here. This particular game was against BYU. We kicked their trash! People seriously camped out overnight to guarantee good seats. The spectrum was packed (they had to turn away a TON of people). So the energy in their was AMAZING. I have never been to such a fun game.

I started cutting my friends hair. You can't tell but I did a really good job. I was scared to death to have them trust me, but Chris had me come back and cut it for a second time. That's a good sign I would say.

This was the last football game of the season. It was freezing cold, we did terrible, the broncos cheered louder than we did, and lexi and I left at half time cause we were freezing.

Halloween was a lot of fun! Me and Lexi!

One of the shifts of people that came to our party. My roommates and I decided we would throw our own party because we didn't want to go to the one put on by the school. It turned out great. We had a ton of people come. (there are more pictures but these are just the highlights)

The main girls at the party.

I was a fish. I know you can't really tell, but this is my fin on top of my head!

I love this picture!

I have been getting all crafty lately. I painted this chair (it's a cute dark pink now, not this creepy half painted one) for my photography stuff. I need a fun chair! AND thanks to photoshop I can change the color accordingly if necessary

I also finally got some decorations up on the walls. I got some cool frames, painted them all accordingly, and now they look great in the family room!

So, there are a few little updates. Nothing real detailed, but I will hopefully post more frequently next semster and I can give better details of my life here in Logan!!!


Becky said...

I love it! Very fun. Looks like you are fully taking advantage of your single life college experience. Trust me - you will always be glad to have those memories. Remember that when you are thinking your are READY to move on. (Which will continue to happen on and off throughout! :)
Love you Sis.

Loraine said...

Great set of pictures and especially your friends. Hope next semester will be just as fun.