I was finally a big kid; I stayed at school all day long, and had an actual number for a grade. As cool as that was, I didn't really like first grade; at least from what I can remember. The only memories are educational or not that pleasant.
I had Mrs. Burnah for my teacher at Salem Elementary. She was a pretty nice lady; she was in my ward as well.
Lets see what do I remember...
One morning our teacher had the class sing the alphabet as fast as we possibly could. After singing it about three times as fast as we could and we still weren't saying the letters fast enough. Mrs. Burnah taught us how to say the letters the "short way" (as in phonetically).
I peed my pants in the first grade too. Not really my pants; I was in a skirt! I was wearing this ugly jean skirt that had sunflower patches on the side. I remember it with detail because Mom really did not like the skirt, and when I peed in it mom made the statement that it must be a sign that I should never wear the skirt again.
The tire swing was probably the coolest part of the playground. I would eat my lunch as fast as I could so I could get out to the playground very first. I don't remember the teachers name but I remember going to drop off my food in the garbage and send the tray down the shoot when the teacher gave me the scariest look and told me I hadn't eaten enough of my food and I needed to go eat more. She was completely right but I was sourly disappointed because I didn't get to play on the tire swing.
We had a stop light in this school. If the light was green it was okay to go outside, red you had to play inside, and yellow it was up to your teacher (usually you had to have a coat). It was right outside the lunchroom door. There was one time in particular that I remember looking up at the light being excited that it was green and then being devastated because all of the buttons on the front of my shirt were undone. Who knows how long it had been like that.. Good thing I was only six!
This was the grade when I was introduced to all the cool things about grade school. Like those boards with pegs that you could make designs with the rubber bands. Or the really cool pattern block things.
... Not to mention recess!
I didn't have any friends but it still was fun. I don't have many memories of recess. The only two I remember really weren't that great.
1-I would always watch the older kids run up the slides the wrong way and look so happy when they made it to the top. I wanted to be like them. I ran across the gravel and made it about half way up the slide before I tripped and face planted it right onto the shiny metal surface. I of course started crying, and my nose started to bleed. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone what really happened. I lied and told them I ran into a tree...So much better!
2- Remember the statement from above- the "I didn't have any friends" comment. Well, when I tried to make friends I got myself into trouble. Making grass nests became a pretty big deal. But we didn't have real eggs so they were always filled with gravel from the playground. In attempt to make more friends I lied to all the kids and told them that I had some eggs we could put in there- that way the birds would be confused and come and live in our nests that we made.
I didn't really have any eggs but there was a teacher who had some on display in one of the hallways. Yep, I stole an egg and lived it up for one whole recess. I remember Jessica Eggbert took the egg to class with her till we went out again. Her teacher recognized the egg and it got turned back on me, and I was caught. Once again I had the horrible guilt feeling of being ashamed when my sweet teacher looked at me all disappointed like and asked my why I stole the egg. That would have been a good enough punishment but I got into even bigger trouble when I got home. Dad said he wouldn't look at me because he didn't want to be friends with a liar. :( I hugged me eventually, and we were friends again. Spankings and a month grounding was included!

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