A little snap shot of my life!
Posted by Alishia at 12:24 PM 3 comments
I am half way done with my fourth year of college!! That is just crazy to me. I always thought I would feel so much older when I hit this point but I don't feel that old. I can see I have definitely grown from my freshman year and I am growing up, but in so many ways I still feel like a kid.
Posted by Alishia at 11:18 PM 2 comments
So, I haven't updated in a while! BUT it's because I started a new blog. I have been thinking about memories that I have of growing up and I am afraid that if I don't write them down I am going to forget about them. I already have forgotten a lot, and I'm not even old yet.
Posted by Alishia at 11:02 PM 2 comments
Posted by Alishia at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Posted by Alishia at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Posted by Alishia at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Posted by Alishia at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Posted by Alishia at 9:20 PM 4 comments
Posted by Alishia at 11:25 PM 4 comments
After being at school all day I came home to find these beautiful flowers and a note on my kitchen counter. Totally made my day! I have the cutest boyfriend ever!
Not to mention, today was just one of those days where I wanted to throw my computer out the window and stop working on my homework altogether.
Posted by Alishia at 5:04 PM 8 comments
I have a new Camera and am ready to take pictures! Please help me spread the word that I can do family pictures! My website will be up in the next day or two! :) I'll direct you there soon!
Posted by Alishia at 11:39 PM 3 comments
Okay okay! I appreciate the love and concern towards me, but I promise I really am fine. The last post had nothing to do with any specific people. I actually have absolutely zero hard feelings about said person. The post was a vent of frustration. So, as much I love the concern there is no need to go breaking down anyone's door.
If I take the dating aspect out of my life, I can honestly say that my life is pretty dern good :) School has been fun and a bit of a challenge but not bad. I have really enjoyed my classes, and want to have more time to excel in them and learn more.
I LOVE MY WARD!! I have met some great people in my ward this year, and am really enjoying the friendships I have been making. I also have an amazing bishop. I can tell this is going to be an amazing year.
I am really enjoying my time back at the portrait studio. There are just a few of us on staff but it's actually really nice that way!
OH, I am also saving up to buy my camera. I am going to take my time in the process of getting it so I can get the best deal possible but I am going to be passing out flyers soon to advertise family pictures...SO, if you know anyone send them my way. I will have my website up soon so I can show my work.
Thanks for the love and concern from you all. Don't worry about whether I am happy or not. I truly am.
Posted by Alishia at 11:46 PM 1 comments
So, i was going to continue my whole blog a day thing but I didn't really care, and some of the questions were lame. SO.. UPDATE!!!
Life for me has been kinda crazy but good. I love my apartment and have really had an amazing time with my roommates, and my new ward. I live with Jenny Jones, Becca Jones, and Cosette Stone. I have been best friends with Jenny since children's choir and LOVE living with her. Becca and Cosette are so cute, and funny. They are both freshman- it is very fun and entertaining to watch them experience life as a college student.
Anyways, tonight we created an apartment plan (suggested by my bishop). Pretty much a set of rules we have together. As we had our meeting we of course had to take some roommie pictures! My room roommate who I love dearly, Jenny Jones.
Cosette, Becca, Me, and Jenny
Some one is ALWAYs laughing in my apt.
We were pretending that we could be sweet.
Posted by Alishia at 11:30 PM 1 comments
September 10- Picture taken over ten years ago:
September 11- A photo of you recently: This picture was taken two days ago for my dear friend Marz in memory of our quesadilla nights.
September 12- Your favorite outfit:
I love a good pair of jeans with a shirt that is cute and flattering that doesn't make you look like you tried too hard. I have a specific outfit but I don't care to blog about it. so...NEXT!
September 13- Something I am OCD about:
CHEWING WITH YOU MOUTH OPEN!! I don't think there is anything that I am more annul about than people chewing with there mouth open. I don't want to hear the spit in your mouth or anything for that matter. Most often I can let stuff slide but this one irritates me so bad. There are other things that I am OCD about but that is pretty much it.
Posted by Alishia at 8:04 AM 1 comments
September 1, 2010 Favorite song:
By far my favorite song of all time "Out of My League", Stephen Speaks
September 2, 2010: Favorite Movie:
"While You Were Sleeping" I have a lot but this is one is probably number one!
September 3, 2010 Favorite TV show:
I don't watch TV very much but "The community" is pretty funny.
September 4, 2010 Favorite Book:
Other than church stuff I really like the book "Beauty", and "Secret Journal"...and well I am a nerd and really like Anita Stansfield books.
September 5, 2010 Favorite quote:
"Trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path." - I know it's a scripture but I LOVE IT!
and on a lighthearted note- "You don't have to be crazy to be my friend..but it sure does help"
Septemeber 6- 20 of my favorite things.
Mom and Dad
My girl friends
My roommates
The gospel
My best friend
Cool cousins
Nieces and nephews
Memories-my brain
The Book of Mormon
Meeting new people
My camera
My ward
September 7- a picture that makes you happy:
I can't help but smile when I see this picture- Not only was this night crazy fun but it made me grateful for the time that I have been able to have as a single college student. I know I wouldn't have had these awesome times if I had gotten married.
September 8, 2010- a picture that makes you angry or sad:
Yeah I am sad that my Amy is gone! ..and well I felt a lot more stupid than angry when I dyed my hair blond.
September 9, 2010 A picture you took:
Posted by Alishia at 5:48 PM 2 comments
Day 1 - your favorite song
Posted by Alishia at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Another one of my best friends got married this past weekend. Cheryl Carter is now Cheryl Holdaway. I am so excited for her!
This past weekend was dedicated to her. I was her maid of honor and her photographer (doing both was a STUPID idea). I wanted to spend time as her maid of honor, and party but I was taking pictures. Brides maid pictures, and the bouquet toss for example are both very difficult to do when you have two jobs to be preforming. All the same it was a wonderful weekend.
At her wedding luncheon I was asked to give a speech. I have never done one before; so, that was interesting. I was glad I was able to do that though; I think it went well. Although, I started getting choked up and crying as I was talking about our friendship, and how Clarke is a lucky guy to find someone like her.
So, I am very happy for Cheryl, and am so grateful that she has been one of my best friends through pretty much my whole life!
Posted by Alishia at 11:10 PM 2 comments
I am still alive and still loving this place.
If you have checked my facebook I have added some more pictures of our fun adventures. I posted last Saturday but Sunday could have been a post in and of it's self. After church we headed to Okapuka Ranch and had lunch with the rector and vice rector. The presidents of the school. It was good food, and company. After lunch we went on our mini safari! We saw warthogs, springbok, kudu, oryx, giraffes, rhinos, birds, crocs, and other animals. I was in heaven! The temperature was perfect and I was having a blast taking pictures. Check out my facebook for a SMALL few of the pictures.
After our safari we went to a sports bar called Primi's to watch the world cup finale. It was a ton of fun! The energy in the room was awesome.
This last week was a bit slow. We had a lot of work planned out but a lot of things fell through, and so sometimes I was really bored. When I was working I was having a lot of fun. I got some good direction on the book that I am in charge of. My professor and I (and Richard) hammered out an outline, and I am really excited for my project. When I was asking my professor some questions about what I should do he pretty much gave me a pep talk that this is my project and I am completely in charge of it. He told me to have the confidence that I can do it, and take control; I don't to need to worry about the other group members. It was a really good motivation to make the book!
We have also been working on our documentary. It's been a bit stressful, but I think it will turn out really good. The tension around here has been pretty high. We are around each other all the time, and so we are all starting to go a little nuts.
This next week will be really busy. We have three workshops starting tomorrow, and then we head up north early Friday morning. I will be taking pictures NONSTOP!! WOOHOO!!
Oh and by the way, the food here is amazing and bad all in one yummy bundle. I am LOVE the food but I am pretty sure I have gained maybe 10lbs in a month! GAH!
Anyways, life is good. I'll talk to you all soon. (maybe)
Posted by Alishia at 2:49 AM 4 comments
My African Update
For those of you who want just a quick update- Life here is great, and I am having the time of my life. The picture is of our excursion to learn more about the bushman/san people. The people who just live off the desert- (The Gods Must Be Crazy). yep the guy on the right had full butt exposure, and the other two were pretty close.
Disclaimer-This is REALLY LONG. I won't be offended if you don't want to read it all, or you only read it a bit at a time, but I thought I should write and update you all. ALSO!!! check my facebook to see a small selection of pictures.
Now, a little bit more details- It has almost been two weeks since I left and it is still crazy to believe that I am actually here. It will randomly just hit me that I am in Africa, and not in the US. It's been great.
-1st week-
We spent about 36 hours in London on our way to Namibia to help break up the trip. I had a blast. I had to get used to traveling with guys though. They want to make it from point A to point B; which makes it very difficult to try and take pictures of everything. I am getting better at going fast though. The architecture is beautiful. I want to go back and take my time taking pictures and enjoy all of England.
When we got into Namibia we weren't able to get to work right away so we just relaxed and spent time in the city and with friends here. On our tour of the city we went to Katoutura (translated-the place we don't want). We went to the market there and I was able to get some great pictures there of the people and some kids. I don't think Richard enjoyed it as much as he could have though. He was paranoid about me most the time.
That same day we went to the informal settlements. It's where the people live in very small tin shacks. They have basically nothing. It was incredible to see the kids still smiling even though they live in horrible situations. It was a really cool experience to be there. We are going to go there again; which I am very excited for- I want some better pictures. The guesstimate is that 250,000 people live here.
Church here was really cool. It was fun to see that the gospel is still the same no matter where you are even when the people/culture are very different. It was testimony meeting too. So, we were able to here there testimonies.
-2nd week-
This week we have had more chances to get to work. The Audio boys were able to get into the archives and do what they do. I have been documenting that as well as other parts of the archives. I have been taking pictures of the glass plates, the negatives, the containers they are in, as well as the different conditions that they (the neg, and glass plates) are in. I have also been working on sorting the pictures I have taken so far and what pictures should be included in the book for the school.
We have met some AMAZING people while we have been here. The vice principal to the school and her two daughters are amazing and we have had dinner with them several times and have had a great time with them. There is also this crazy awesome guy named Jochan. He kinda reminds me of Dennis. He has so much stuff. His stuff is more organized though. He has over 300 cameras (one of them is worth $40,000), and over 11 VW bugs or vans. We had dinner with him and his family this week. SO much fun; his house is a museum! I don't even know how to describe him. I will show videos of him when I get home so you will understand!
-My experience-
I have been having so much fun taking pictures here. I am the main photographer here, and director of photography. It's been fun having people ask me questions and actually knowing the answers. But the photography here is HARD. It is really bright here, and the people are dark. It makes it really difficult to take a correctly exposed picture. There were a good load of pictures from the first days that were blown out and not good. My professor has been encouraging and told me not to worry about it. Apparently all the student have a couple days of adjustment when they get here.
He also advised me to not look at the pictures until the very end. I can make sure the exposure is right every once in a while, but he said don't look at any of the pictures till the end of the shoot. It is a good exercise to trust your instincts and just do what you think is right. It will help in relaxing and taking better pictures. So, I did that today- I turned the back screen off and just took the pictures. They turned out pretty good. It still is hard with the harsh lighting and dark people but overall I am getting better :)
OH and of course we have been watching the world cup while we are here which has been really fun. The last few games we have gone to this sports bar called Primi's and have had a blast spending time with the jam packed restaurant.
Anyways, this is already REALLY long, but so much is going on and I have already cut out a ton. So, I'll hopefully post more frequently so they are shorter post.
OH and ps...the little kids here are adorable. I can't even handle it. There are a lot of really beautiful people here-and attractive men ;) ha ha
Posted by Alishia at 12:12 PM 4 comments
Posted by Alishia at 9:58 AM 3 comments
Posted by Alishia at 5:32 PM 8 comments
I can already tell this is going to be an amazing summer! I am living with Brooke and Nikki, along with 3 other fun girls. I have met and made more friends in two days of church stuff than I did all last semester. I have already made some friends that I think are going to be amazing friends this summer.
Posted by Alishia at 5:04 PM 3 comments
There is so much going on that I want to update about but I don't want this post to be a novel! Here are some highlights!
In two days I will finish my first semester at UVU and my THIRD year of college. I don't feel old enough to be in this stage of life. Looking back at this last semester I am still very happy with my decision to switch. I am also glad that I switched schools when I did. I have made some key connections that I feel will really help me in my photography and what I want to be doing with my life.
I was so close to getting my 4.0 this semester. My web design class was the determining factor. I had a high B in the class, and if I was able to pull of an A on my final exam and project it would tip the scale and I would be set. Well, I got an 82% on my final exam. I don't think I have ever been so bothered with getting a “B” on a test. I was close to the 4.0 though. I guess that is good enough though It's the best semester in college yet.
-I posted some of my final project down below!
UVU vs. USU-
I am still an Aggie at heart, and will always love Logan and that school. UVU is a good school, and I really enjoy what I am learning, but it doesn't have the same atmosphere/mood that USU has. I miss Logan and my life there, but I am happy where I am.
I am learning so so much. I have been shadowing my teacher who is VERY smart and talented. I have absolutely loved it. I shadowed him last week for a wedding and a senior pictures shoot, and he paid me fifty bucks! He is also going to have me help him this summer on senior pictures. SO excited. Life is real good in this area. I still have a long ways to go but I am ready for it.
I am moving into my summer apt tomorrow! I will be living with Brooke and Nikki. Happy days!
I am looking for a job again. Goodwood kinda worked but it isn't going to be enough. So, I am looking for another job! Any ideas?
So, it is still kind of a novel, but this is the shortened version. I still have more I could write about, but I am guessing more than half of you are really only going to skim over the post anyway. So, life is good, and I am just trucking along :)
PS- I love our family, and I appreciate the advice I am given. I am not saying that having opinions is bad. Most often I really do want to know what people opinions are. It's when I have made a decision that I feel is right, and people try to convince me to do other wise. I know everyone is really just trying to help me out. So, I am not saying I don't want it. It is when I get different advice from everyone it starts to add up and it's a lot. LOVE you all :)
Posted by Alishia at 11:27 PM 2 comments
For my final in my photography class I was supposed to create a story in 3-5 images! Keira was a sweetie and helped me out. She's a cute little model!
Posted by Alishia at 11:25 PM 3 comments